Retained Students

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Completers are those students who exit from high school with some credential. Some exit with regular diplomas and others exit with either a Special Education Diploma or a Certificate of Attendance.

Graduates are a special group of completers. Graduates are students who have met course and assessment criteria. Graduates have completed a high-school program of study with a minimum of 22 units and have passed the four subject areas (English, mathematics, science, and social studies) of the Georgia High School Graduation Test and the Georgia High School Writing Test. Graduates may earn one of several kinds of endorsements:


  • Diplomas with Both College Prep and Vocational Endorsements. The table shows the number of students graduating in 2011 who have met the criteria of both the college preparatory program and vocational education program and who have passed the assessment requirements. Formal seals of endorsements for both programs are affixed to the high school diplomas for these students.

  • Diplomas with College Prep Endorsements. The table shows the number of students graduating in 2011 who completed a program of study of 22 units in a college-preparatory program and who have passed the assessment requirements. A formal seal of endorsement is affixed to the high school diplomas for these students.

  • Diplomas with Vocational Endorsements. The table shows the number of students graduating in 2011 who completed a program of study of 22 units of which 4 must be in vocational education and who have passed the assessment requirements. A formal seal of endorsement is affixed to the high school diplomas for these students.


Other Completers include those students who exit high school with either a Special Education Diploma or a Certificate of Attendance.


  • Special Education Diplomas. The table shows the number of students with disabilities assigned to a special education program who have not met the state assessment requirements or who have not completed all of the requirements for a high school diploma, but who have nevertheless completed their Individualized Education Program (IEP) and graduated in 2011. The diplomas identify graduates as Students with Disabilities.

  • Certificates of Attendance. The table shows the number of students completing high school in 2011 who met all requirements for attendance and units but did not meet the standardized assessment criteria for a diploma. These students are awarded the Certificate of Attendance in place of the high school diploma. After leaving high school, students receiving the Certificates of Attendance are provided opportunities to retake the required assessments and, if they pass, are awarded the appropriate diploma.



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Retained Students (Values)

Retained Students (%)

Enrollment by Race/Subgroups


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